Friday, April 29, 2011

friday letters

dear women's conference lady who asked me directions on campus today,
i'm sorry that i gave you the vaguest of instructions and pretended i knew what i was talking about. i hope you found what you were looking for...

dear appetite,
i have no idea where you have disappeared to yet again, but i cannot afford to keep drinking naked juices, which is currently the only thing that has entered my body today, and is the only thing that i even think about eating. (and by naked juice, i actually mean the lame off-brand odwalla juice that doesn't taste the same but is two dollars cheaper.)

dear paige,
each phone, text, or facebook conversation i have with you is the highlight of my life. also voicemails. i think you are the funniest person in the world and also the most wonderful friend. soooo thanks.

i know that you are a bit of an old song, but i still love you, and i appreciate that you got me through last night and today. listening to you on repeat has been enormously helpful.

dear stephanie and holly and stephen,
i like this new job. i like it a lot. i like it in the way where i don't mind waking up in the morning, because i like my job.

dear snow,
what the h? although my striped gray sweater appears to be warm, it is actually just an illusion. and i don't love walking across campus and being snowed on in my not-warm gray sweater.

dear royal wedding,
i'm not going to lie, i don't really get how there is more media attention for the royal wedding than there is for the recent tornados and hurricanes. but, uhhh, congrats.

dear boy who is talking on the phone right now about where he applied to grad school,
the fact that your list includes harvard, columbia, boston, and mit makes my heart flutter.


  1. amy are you in provo? i am and if you are we need to hang!

  2. Couldn't agree more about the royal wedding. Seriously people!
