only kidding. :)
true or false: i'm sick for the second two weeks.
i haven't been sick all winter. it was awesome. then i got sick in virginia. it lasted two days. i got better. then i got sick again in utah. it's lasted three days so far. i'm just a tiny bit miserable.
oh well, worse things have happened.
plus, something good has come out of it.
i am straight up addicted to the app falldown.

and i plead with the entire universe to get it. play it. love it.
on a brighter note, my textbook for the 0.5 credit online prereq class i have to take on microsoft excel came today. and i know it's silly (i'll repeat: it's an online half credit class about excel), but it made me feel like life is finally starting. not that i haven't been living for the last four months..
but so many things changed/are about to change (engaged/not engaged, byui/byu, early childhood special ed/information systems, office assistant plus review writer/new office assistant job) that it's been hard not to feel like i'm just waiting..waiting..waiting for april 26 when i'll be all moved in to a new provo apartment, have one day at my new job under my belt, and be going to the first day of my classes..
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