i have compiled a list of things i just cannot stand. please bear in mind that this list is not comprehensive.
1. when people walk into my room to floss their teeth. conversation is just not possible when one person's hands are down his or her throat, so why does flossing need to be done in a social setting?
2. walking into a public bathroom stall and finding pee on the toilet seat. i'm an avid croucher, not a sitter, because i do not want to sit where somebody's else's pee was just twenty seconds before i wiped it off.
3. that there is a special group in japan to save the pets left behind in the evacuation zones. because there isn't enough work to do just helping the people..?
4. putting my contacts in the wrong eye. and then doing the whole close-one-eye-then-the-other thing all day long to confirm and re-confirm that i did, in fact, mess it up.
5. the idea that two people at byu-idaho who like each other will hang out from the instant class ends until curfew every single day from here until marriage or breakup, whichever comes first.
6. zagg invisible shield screen covers. i am absolutely certain i have never regretted spending $20 on something more than i regret buying that thing.
7. when people eat my food. as if i'll think that somehow i ate twelve oreos in one week..while i was on vacation, 1000 miles away.
8. chocolate milk. hot chocolate is great. chocolate ice cream is wonderful. but chocolate milk is just..not. i think it stems from the time i drank strawberry milk in first grade and then threw it up. nasty stuff.
9. facebook pictures that were obviously taken solely to create the appearance that you were having a good time and that your life is enviably fun. because really, who would want to just live life and have a good time if there wasn't a camera to provide evidence?!
Let's discuss. Why don't you like zagg? I have heard good things but I want your take on it now. I have an otterbox heavy duty case and it's too bulky pour moi.
ReplyDeleteHaha! I totally agree with you about toilets! And contacts! I stumbled across your blog -- it's really great!