Wednesday, April 27, 2011

i am a child.

on monday, this conversation happened with the guy whose job i am taking:

stephen: are you always nice, or do you have a dark side?
me: nahh, i think i'm a pretty nice person. i mean, i look like a 12-year old. how could i not be nice?!
stephen: i don't think you look like a 12-year old.
and i think he meant it. hello, first time in my life that somebody legit doesn't think i look ten years younger than i am. so i'm feeling pretty good about life, right? right.

fast forward three hours. i'm unpacking my car. i'm carrying a box in. some guy gets out of his truck.

him: hey! you just moving in?
me: yaaaaa you betcha (that's just some of my minnesotan accent coming out)
him: oh, is it your first semester?

i guess i'll never be taken seriously as an adult.

in other news, despite the fact that my car is (almost) entirely unloaded, i keep forgetting several critical things in my car. which cannot easily be remedied by walking out to my car, because i can't get a parking permit because i don't have my car my car is parked forever away.

for breakfast, i eat frosted mini wheats out of a tupperware with my fingers.
for dinner, i eat a chunk of bread and a chunk of cheese. for lunch, i eat jamba juice.

note to self: bring in utensils tonight.

also, this campus is enormous in comparison to byu-i. i'm learning just as fast as i can. but until then, i walk around under the direction of google maps on my phone. i pretend i'm texting.

clever? i think yes.


  1. It takes a little while to get used to the layout.
    Awesome dinner, all you need is a little Mac-n-cheese or Ramen and you'll be living the ultimate college life! (again...)

    If you need any suggestions of places to eat I'll be happy to show ya. Provo is my stomping grounds. And there is nothing better than food.

  2. extremely clever.
    and... ummm... amy? 12 is less than ten years younger than you :/ at least for a little while. soooo.... maybe they aren't that far off :/
    p.s. i'm stealing your yoga pants for a while. HAHAHA. you can get them when you come out for graduation. no point wasting money mailing them :)
