and i have no pictures to show for it. right now, anyhow. laura has one, and the other is on my computer, so just a bit of patience, my friends.
my afternoon started with a few bites (okay, okay, half) of a shake at the creamery with jas and his family and his sister annie who i
loved meeting. i only wish i could have stayed longer, buuuut... was time to run (ten minutes late, of course) to meet
laura, my long-time blog bestie. it was seriously magic. my deepest wish in life is that she didn't live in canada so she could live in utawww with me and we could spill our souls to each other every day. or whatever. you know. i just really, really liked it. and her.
and then i ran some errands and went home (by home, of course, i mean the bed in bri's dorm that i share with my baby sister...) and packed a bit and then
relaxed for the first time in an eternity, and watched the season finale of gossip girl (uhhhh... hated it!!).
jason and i have been trying to be in a christmas mood lately, which is harder than it might sound, what with finals and all.

but it seems like we were repaid for our efforts last night when some random guy handed us a completed free-meal cafe rio card for no reason. christmas is the absolute greatest, and i mean that.
for christmas, jason's dad gave me tickets to the play a christmas carol. it was absolutely incredible. i wish i had some pictures of the theatre itself, it was beautiful, but all i have is a picture of us.. which is also beautiful? except it's on my camera. i am not generally a crier, but this play definitely had me crying. i was so touched by scrooge's pain when he realized all the opportunities he had missed to influence the lives of others. i'm hoping that our family will read the forgotten carols this season, which we do many years. it, too, is such a timeless story.
i love plays. i love how
real and
alive and genuine they are. going to plays is one of my very, very favorite things to do, and it was one of the most well-done plays i have seen in a very long time. it was truly a perfect night, and i was so happy to spend it with jas.
i'm happy today. i'm so, so happy to be going home, and to be done with finals, and to have just had a two hour talk with holly, and to be celebrating christmas. christmas often makes me somewhat melancholy, because i just don't feel good enough or i don't feel like i'm doing exactly what heavenly father wants me to be doing. this year, i'm really just purely happy. i am a daughter of a heavenly father who has blessed me beyond comprehension. i have the most wonderful family and friends who i am so grateful for. i wouldn't change a thing about my life right now. i love christmas, and i am so happy to be truly
celebrating it in every sense of the word.