Monday, November 21, 2011

it's pumpkin bread season

i should be in bed, but it's so, so hard when it feels like a weekend. i will regret this in the morning when my alarm rings at 6:45 and i try to convince myself that showering is, in fact, a good idea. ehhhh that's debatable.

-i spent my night making three loaves of pumpkin bread and a pan of gluten free pumpkin muffins. my momma would be proud.


-tomorrow is going to be a fantastic day, mayyybe even better than today. tomorrow consists of (a) work, plus an extra two hours of work, (b) stats (okay, not so cool..), (c) lehi with jason, (d) CHELSEACHELSEACHELSEA. hoorayyyyy.

-i encountered a married couple in the tampon aisle tonight at the grocery store. they were in the middle of a lengthy debate regarding which tampons were most cost-efficient. followed by an explanation of what absorbency she needs. umm how bout we not do that?

-i need to make my christmas list. so far all that's on there is this jacket and a computer screen. (but that might not be the exact jacket, mom, so let me check. i can't remember. don't buy that one yet. kaythanks. :) ) i can't even think of anything else i need/want. bummer.

-why am i still awake? i do not know. i've asked myself that several times in the last ten minutes. i should probably take care of that.


  1. Gluten free pretty much rocks my socks. Those loaves do look pretty good.
    Hope Thanksgiving was good!
