Tuesday, December 20, 2011

chillin like a banshee

i promised peepee that i would blog lotsandlots cause she's in rexburg all alone for all of christmas break. hasn't happened. so hi.

uhhhh not sure i have much else to say?

look. i just like christmas break. i like it a lot. today jason described my day as follows: "i imagine you wake up in the morning, and go downstairs, and your mom feeds you french toast. and then you bake all day with your mom and then you deliver christmas treats at night and that's pretty much your day."

and all i would like to say about that is, exactly. that is exactly my day. and i really like it.
christmas break is wonderful because "getting ready" in the morning consists of changing out of my yoga pants and in to leggings. christmas break is wonderful because every 3.5 seconds the doorbell rings and someone's brought us food. (no, really, just kidding, you can keep bringing us food.) christmas break is wonderful because my mother and i run errands together and sometimes my dad stays home from work and we all make caramel all day long like a big happy family. minus the big part. there's only 4 stockings on the fireplace. weird? i think yes.

christmas break is not wonderful because it's not snowing and is not going to snow before christmas. uhhh whaa? isn't that, like, the one good part of minnesota in the winter?

i'll answer that for you. yes. yes, it is.

also i miss this boy.
skype's cool...but not that cool.

six days til cristina&dan come home.
seven days til jas comes to mah house.


  1. Whoa. This be serious business girlfriend. Jas at your house. I like the sounds of THAT. Have the best Christmas ever.

    Can I steal some skype time too? Tys comes home tomorrow. EeK.
