Thursday, December 8, 2011

good to know

clearly that was a list from jason, bless his heart.

i've learned a lot this week, mostly about creating webpages, writing mcom reports, and cramming for exams. but mainly i would like to share the three highlights.

1. stephen's limited edition pumpkin spice-flavored hot cocoa will not be returning in future years, because i can guarantee that nobody will buy a second jar of that shiz. seriously. imagine warm carrot juice. that's what it looks like. it's been four days since i drank it and i swear i can still taste it in my mouth. so. gross.

2. if you laugh at girls every morning for their skirts being all staticy and caught in their tights, like this (please note that that is her slip and not, in fact, a skirt):

don't wear tights and a skirt to school. karma, baby. i had a very, very long walk across campus this morning with a very slippery skirt..

3. having a roommate is kind of fun. bri's moved into my apartment for a few days so she can study for finals. and it's fantastic. who knew?! ps if anybody knows anybody who is looking for an apartment winter semester, lemmeeknow. this is approaching emergency status.


can it be christmas already?!
8 days til home. :))


  1. Is there something wrong with 50?!? :-)

  2. Bee's comment. Funniest of life.

    I love you. That is all.

  3. again, bri's comment. if this was facebook i would like it. also you need to gtfo with your countdown to home because some of us (just me) don't get to go home for christmas :(
