sometimes i just look in the mirror after waking up half an hour late and am genuinely impressed with my ability to make myself look presentable in fifteen minutes. today was one of those days. good work, amy.
last night cristina and brianna came over and we made pizza. i think they're fantastic. really, just wonderful. so that was lots and lots of fun.

and then i went to the movie warrior.
hello best movie ever. (and no, i am not just saying that because of the high volume of ripped shirtless men. promise.) it was just really, really great.

also, i'm not allowed to chew gum anymore, on account of my stomachaches. considering i regularly go through four or five packs of gum a week, i'm foreseeing a problem. wish me luck on that one.
and one more thing. i walk into work today to find this on my desk:
thank you, brent. heaven help me.
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