Thursday, January 19, 2012


1. Planning a wedding kind of sucks. Maybe it's just not the fun part yet. But the part where you have to coordinate schedules and cram a lot of things into one day, and find a reception place what seems like months and months after everybody else has booked one? Yeah, that part kind of sucks.

2. Between my mom, Jason's mom, and Jason's sister Annie, though, life is going to be great. Yesterday I realized in a panic that we need to get a reception place pronto, and they all three jumped right on it and spent the day googling and making phone calls. I can't thank them enough.

3. When a slow-cooker recipe says "6-8 hours," it does not, in fact, mean, "this can be rounded up to 10-11 hours." And when you turn a slow-cooker on at 7:00am, and don't get back until 5:00pm, you have done your math very, very wrong if you think that is 6-8 hours. Because although the picture looks like this:

chances are extremely high that your chicken will be covered in a charred chunk of salsa, and that after three soakings and two scrubbings, the pot will still look like this:


I think it would be fair to say that I have quite a bit to learn in the cooking chicken department.

4. I wish I had something clever or creative or wonderful to write, but I do not. You can tell because I just spelled "write" "right" on accident.

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