-Sometimes for dinner all I want is an apple and peanut butter and granola. I can't stop eating the gluten-free granola my mom helped me make over Christmas break. I think it's the coconut. It's the most delicious food in the world.
-However, sometimes after those apple feasts, all I want is pickles. So I eat a third of a jar of pickles. (Who does that?)
-I watched this tutorial on how to make a supahhcute top knot today. It was my extremely deep wish that I could use that top knot to not wash my hair for the third day in a row. I decided my hair isn't long enough. Shower it is...
-Today at the laundry room at Liberty Square, it took drying my colors for four rounds (that's two hours, my friend) before they were passably damp. It didn't occur to me to change dryers until after the third round. Pretty sure it was broken.
-This is the kind of day today was: I'm talking to Holly as I'm walking out the door. I walk straight into the doorframe. She keeps talking. I turn around. "Did you just see me run into that door?" "Yes, but I wasn't going to say anything..."
Please tell me it's the weekend... but first I need to shower. Too bad all my towels were in the wash. And therefore damp. Woohoo.
umm youre getting MARRIED too!!! yayyayyyy for weddings! Love your blog--follow mine? lets plan our weddings through pinterest and blogging. No date set yet, will by the end of the week...hopefully. Whens yours?