Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Last night was Attempt #84 at chicken. This time, it was garlic & brown sugar chicken. Jas took one bit of the chicken, picked me up, spun me around, kissed me, and said, "Thank you, beautiful! This is delicious."

What does that tell us? That tells us that either (a) the chicken was really, really good, or (b) my last several attempts at chicken haven't provided that boy with much faith in my abilities to cook.

I'm going with b?


  1. Im going with C). Lets keep probing to make sure you've got it down:)

  2. This looks good! And that's saying something from someone who is really not a fan of chicken. You've got the cooking genes and the more you practice the faster you'll become an amazing cook like your mom! You'll pick up more tips and tricks as you go along, too.
