Saturday, July 9, 2011

dream on, lovergirl

every once in a while i get wishful and i airdry my hair. and while it's drying i imagine that when i unwrap my hair, it will cascade down my back in a tumble of perfectly messy beach waves.

it never does.


i mean, especially right now because it's short (grow faster, puhhhleaaase), but even when it's long. my hair was just not made naturally beautiful. at all. and it is the bane of my existence. so i just wanted to complain about that really quick while i sit here with the hair that i airdried and secretly hoped would turn out attractive and instead looks like a drowned shih tzu puppy. i hate getting ready in the morning.

(or afternoon. whichever the case may be.)


  1. AMY! this seriously made me laugh so much! i just want you to know that your hair never looks like a drowned shi tzu. if thats what you even said. but anyways.. i love you in a non lesbian way.

  2. Ha ha I think pretty much every girl has that same dream! Lol!
