today was awesome times ten. it consisted of:
1. waking up at eight and hiking the y with aubrey (loooove that girl). there are a few things i would like to say about hiking the y. a) it was freaking steep. b) it was ten times bigger than i imagined it. and c) i liked it quite a lot.
2. h.o.m.e.w.o.r.k.
3. daydreaming about what might happen if i can hopefullypossiblymaybe apply to the isys program THIS JUNE instead of next june and be done with school in two years instead of three, sacrificing my life and sanity in the process.
4. grilling hamburgers with mckenzie and aubrey. i can see why grilling hamburgers is a boy's job. but still. we rocked it.
5. laying by the volleyball courts in the 85 degree sun for four hours with aubrey. these four hours consisted of a lot of talking, a lot of checking boys out, and a lot of apples and peanut butter. (and honey in the pb. who knew?!)
6. meeting some boys who felt like it would be a good idea to play the "five question game." which was so clearly a game created solely to find out whether or not girls have a boyfriend, and then to ask them out. clever of them? i'm going with a big fat no.
7. shoppingggg with cristina.
8. natasha's wedding reception with cristina and dan. i like them a lot. and i'm not even just saying that because cristina reads this. i just legit like them.
9. and then, of course, more aubrey. :)
i like summer. i know it's not summer yet, but when everyone's in swimsuits all day and it's 85 and the sun is out, it's hard not to just feel good about life.
I'm still sad I've never hiked the Y. Its been on my to-do list for 2 years. tear.