once while driving from cedar city to california, dylan made us listen to this song on repeat for about a hundred hours. and i thought i was going to kill myself. but today, i won't complain. life's not so bad. it's drizzly and cold right now.. but i'm one flight away from sunshiiiiiine. so that's good news.
i'm bad at packing.
first of all, it takes me at least two hours. i don't know why. i just can't speed myself up. second of all, i always, always, always forget something. usually something important. it's all i can do each time to hope that i won't forget my underwear. like that one time when i was nine. i had to wear it by day and wash it by night. it was lovely, to say the least.
last night i couldn't sleep. at all. it was miserable. so--big surprise--i slept through my alarm clock this morning. or maybe it never went off. who knows. so that was neat. luckily somehow my internal body clock woke me up at nine (let's be honest, that is quite miraculous, considering i drag myself out of bed every morning at nine. i wish it wasn't true. it's embarrassing. but what can ya do?!) and i ran outside in the drizzle to do my laundry real quick so i'd have two hours to pack.
of course i put my towel in with the rest of my wash. which i didn't realize until i was in the shower.
so this morning has been great. and my room is covered in to-do lists and DON'T FORGET TO PACK ______!!!! notes. so let's hope that somehow, magically, i get this packing this figured out someday.
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