thank you for that, bee.
i had straight up the greatest weekend.
and even though this picture is ridic because the sun was absurdly bright and i was so tired of taking pictures, i love these girls. you can call them chelsea and quincy. i call them s and b. nbd. they're scandy.

i wish it was summer because i'm getting bored of running around the track every night.. also this whole weekend i have been in the kind of mood where i just want to lay on the grass and look up at a blue sky filled with white clouds and smile and be happy about how life is going. because honestly, my life rocks.

(so come back, paige. it's your job to lay on the grass with me. kaythanks.)
this week had better go fast.
but if it doesn't, that's okay too. i'm just happy, that's all.
you picked quite possibly the most unattractive picture of me, but thats okay because i love you. and also i'll be home in just 17 days. and im pretty freaking ecstatic about that. i promise to come lay on the grass with you before the summer ends.