Tuesday, June 14, 2011

oh haiiii

this is what i like:

i like when it's tuesday which means switching shifts with brent and working the afternoon but i don't sleep in because it's finals which means using my time wisely and going to the library all morning so i set my alarm for 8:00 because i like to press the sleep button a few times but my 8:00 alarm doesn't ring for some unknown reason but luckily my backup 8:10 alarm does ring and i wake up disappointed because i think i'm supposed to get up at 8:15 but then i remember that i actually planned to wake up at 8:30 so i get 20 more blissful minutes of sleep and life is good.

i really like that.

i also really like when every single part of the program i've been working on every spare second for the last week WORKS and i'm done with the program which means i get to start studying for my tests.

which, consequently, is what i'm going to go do right now. it's been fun. nice talking to ya. adios.

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