it is a well-known fact that i hate sewing.
i wish it wasn't so.
in fact, i wish i loved sewing.
i don't.
but four or five times a year, i undertake a sewing project.
i always regret it.
but they usually turn out okay, with the help of my mother.
(except, of course, the horsey pants, but that's another story)
so the other day i remembered about a super cute black dress i own.
because i haven't been able to wear it for like two years.
on account of that it's too short.
so my mom helped me fix it last night.
and the thing is, it wasn't even that hard!
turns out surgers are a great thing, even better than sewing machines.
i like them.
so now it's long enough.
and it looks quite wonderful.
and now i'm going to wear it to church.
even though it's black, and it's august.

i would just like to say... that i, also, wore a black dress to church today