Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I like showing off

Today I was in the mood to shake things up on this blog a little bit. Not a lot, mind you, just a bit. So I decided to make a nice little sidebar for this blog. And I thought of some things I like and I thought of some things Jas likes and I wrote a little sidebar, and then I kinda decided, "Maybe I will ask Jason for his input." So I texted that boy and asked, hypothetically speaking, if he had to name a few things that he really, really likes, like, for a blog, for instance, what would he say? And this is what he said:


And I laughed a little bit because all of that is very true. Very, very true. I cannot even tell you how many times I have heard Jason say, "Hey, Amy! Watch this!" and then do some really cool trick. "Hey, Amy! Wanna come watch me throw some football in the backyard?" "Hey, Amy! Wanna see me chug this waterbottle really fast?" In fact, the other day as he was leaving for work, he did a sommersault in the living room for me. Like, what the!! It's charming and it makes me want to pat his head and tell him good job and then give him a big kiss.

So that's what I do.