Tuesday, August 23, 2011

this is what i like to do:

i like to walk michael's aunt's dog. she lives at his grandma's house. and her name is dakota. the dog, i mean, not his aunt. dakota's the best because she literally freaks out whenever i walk in the door. mostly it's because she loves going for walks and i'm her official walker. but it's precious. she starts hyperventilating and wiggling all over and it is wonderful.


of course the most wonderful part is just walking and thinking and calming down and being outside. i love walking dakota.

brianna does not love dakota. that's because one day, michael and aubrey and shawn and reed and i went for a hike.


and we brought dakota some water in a water bottle and a tupperware so she could drink the water. well, she didn't drink all the water. so we poured it back into the water bottle from the tupperware. aka, dakota's spitty dogness was in the water. fast forward a month. bri's in my bedroom. bri's thirsty. bri picks up the water bottle. bri drinks from the water bottle. and now brianna hates dakota. because dakota's germs are in. her. mouth.


also, i am at this moment watching yesterday's bachelor pad. could kasey please quit singing songs? not cool. "from this moment on, i can carry on, my love for you. i gave you a promise and put it on your finger, and all i know now is that you are my forever." really, kasey? really?


  1. you disgust me.
    i still hate that dog.
    (no offense.)

    1. Funniest thing EVER!! Tell Bri not to be a hater! You should see her now. She got her summer shave and they went a little too short. Her undercoat is totally white and she's got an amber skunk stripe down her back. She is not a happy puppy!!
