it's been quite the week.
it hasn't necessarily been a long week.
it's just been a full week. and i'm tired.
as is evidenced by my current room situation.
love me through it. :-/

the worst part? i honestly don't care that it is such a terrible mess right now.
i took a science test tonight. and got a solid 64. greaaaaaaat.
i hate science.
i slept through my alarm this morning.
getting ready in 15 minutes is always wonderful, if i do say so myself.
mostly, though, i'm homesick.
i miss my mom.
i miss going home for lunch and just talking to her while she ate leftovers and i ate ham-and-cheese pitas.
i miss her telling me goodnight eight times before i finally go to bed.
i miss my dad.
i miss when he would come into my room and lay on my bed and we would just talk.
i miss him playing the piano while i fall asleep.
i miss cristina.
i miss watching the santa clause movies with her.
i miss sophomore year when we would talk on the phone for hours, her in the basement in her bed and me upstairs in mine.
i miss brianna.
i miss brushing our teeth together in our purple bathroom.
i miss going on runs and drives and to cub foods and making cookies.
i'm homesick. :(
and even a chocolate cupcake from the cocoa bean can't really fix it.
it's only four more weeks. only four more weeks til i go home.
that's what i keep telling myself.
i don't know if it's helping.