Last weekend, Jas and I flew to home to Minnesota so that I could go through the temple in St. Paul. My uncle Daryll and aunt Maria came out, as well as my Grandma and Grandpa Cragun. It was one of the most special experiences of my life, and I was so glad to have so many people that I love so much there to share it with me.
On Saturday, I had a bridal shower in Mankato. It was absolutely beautiful, and so, so much fun! I'm not having a reception in Minnesota, so it was perfect to be able to share my wedding with the people who raised me.

This Saturday, I ran my first half-marathon. I was so super nervous about it, because I haven't been able to run outside for the past month. My foot was injured (peroneal tendonitis..yayy!), so I couldn't run outside for the three or four weeks leading up to the race. I've been on an elliptical all month and I was bored out of my mind!! Somehow, though, my foot was perfectly fine through the entire race, and despite my cross-training-only training, I was able to run 9:30 miles and finish in 2:04!! I was so excited. And then, of course, I got to go home and eat all the rice pancakes I wanted. Best. day. ever.
After my half, Cristina threw me a bachelorette party that was so, so, so fun. All the pictures, naturally, are on her camera, but just trust me. It was the best night. I am so lucky to have such wonderful sisters who will put the time into making my wedding as special as possible. I adore my sisters. She made (all gluten free!) clam chowder, French onion soup, pina colada salad, strawberry spinach salad, appletinis, strawberry daquiris, pina coladas, vanilla fudge, chocolate fudge, rice krispies, AND red velvet cheesecake. It was incredible.
So, now that all of those big events are out of the way, it's time to get maaaaarried. I had my last day of nursery yesterday at church (YESS!!!!!), Wednesday my parents come to Utah, Thursday is my last day of work for a week, and Saturday I get to put my pretty white dress on and walk into the temple with my Jason and be sealed to him for time and all eternity.
I can't wait.